About Kuleni Umbrella Pension Fund

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Kuleni Umbrella Pension Fund is a product established by Kuleni Financial Services (Pty) Ltd.

It was established to provide retirement and other benefits for employees and eligible former employees of the Participating Employers as per the Participating Employer’s special rules.

This Umbrella Fund allows the participation of multiple employers, who are not necessarily affiliated, associated or subsidiary to one another, and it operates under the basis of an umbrella arrangement with special rules distinguishing the Participating Employers from each other.

How to join Kuleni Umbrella Pension Fund

  1. Any employer in Namibia my apply to become a participating Employer in the Fund.
  2. The application shall be made in writing to the Board of Trustees of this Fund.
  3. Once approved, we will jointly draft special rules applicable to the Employer.
  4. Special rules specify the level of contributions and benefits.
  5. The Special rules will be submitted to the Regulator for approval and once approved the membership starts.

The General rules makes general provisions for the benefits provided, the management of the Fund etc.

For more information, please contact us.

Contact Employer Services

If you need further information, clarity or assistance about our Retirement Fund Administration services please complete the form below and we will contact you.
