Kuleni Financial Services (Pty) Ltd provides cost effective and efficient administration services to retirement funds in the open market. We offer our services to any Retirement Fund or engage with any Employer to establish a Retirement Fund or the Employer to become a participating Employer under the Umbrella Fund.
Kuleni Preservation Fund is a product established by Kuleni Financial Services (Pty) Ltd. It was established to preserve pension monies of any employee in Namibia who withdraws from a pension/provident fund as a result of resignation, dismissal or retrenchment. The fund is designed to preserve retirement savings and at the same time, allow for potential capital growth.
Qualifications: Master in Finance and Investments, Bachelor of Accounting Degree, National Diploma Commerce, Management Development Programme, IISA Introductory Programme in Retirement Fund Management.
Work experience: 21 years
Value added to Management: Oversee, strategize, direct and coordinate activities of the Company.
Qualifications: LLM in Corporate Law (cum laude), PG Diploma in Drafting and Interpretation of Contracts; PG Diploma in Compliance Management; LLB, and B. Juris, Admitted Legal Practitioner of the High Court of Namibia.
Work experience: 14 years
Value added to Management: Pension fund governance and management; financial laws; AML; compliance and risk management; Legal advisory, company secretariat
Qualifications: Bachelor of Technology Accounting and Finance, National Diploma Accounting and Finance.
Work experience: 20 years
Value added to Management: Financial Management and Pension Fund Administration